Thursday 28 April 2022

First student exchange in Onil, Spain, 27th March-2nd April 2022 - Part 6: Food & Weather

That week in Spain was amazing! My name is Myr, I'm a student and part of the Erasmus + project. As it is impossible to summarize our week there, I'm only going to describe and present typical Spanish meals and how the weather was...

The families who hosted us were very kind. They did their best to make us try new kinds of food we didn't know about. For starters, they don't eat at the same time as we do... they have breakfast when they wake up then have a "little lunch" at 11 o'clock or so. Their lunch is at 14 o'clock then they have a little snack at 17:30/18:00 o'clock. And finally, they have dinner at 21:00/22:00 o'clock.

Typical Spanish meals and desserts: Paella, Tortilla Española, Patatas bravas, Turrón, Croquetas, Churros, Torrijas, Coca, Migas...

Weirdly, most of the meals we ate didn't include any sort of vegetable. They do eat veggies but just not with/in a meal (not that I'm complaining). I tried most of the food above, and I am proud to say that Spanish food is DELICIOUS.

Now let’s talk about the weather. Before going to Spain, we checked the weather and it said that it was going to rain on that week. Fortunately, it only did for one day. What the Spaniards thought to be odd, was that it had been over a month without any rain in Onil. Other than the slight rain, we either had a sunny clear day or a cloudy weather.


Overall, I think this might have been one of the best weeks of my life so far! I'd like to thank all of the kind Spaniards who hosted us and also our three beloved teachers because that week wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for them.


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